
Details of our current governors and declarations of interest (as of May 2023)

If you wish to contact our governors please email the clerk to the governors using this email address:

Role Governor
Chair of Governors Colin Maree
Vice-Chair of Governors Buki Ogunleye
Safeguarding Governor Monique Maree
Clerk to the Governors Clare Hails
Chair of Resources Committee Catherine Grist
Chair of Teaching & Learning Committee Kleio Akrivou

Click here for information on how to join our governing body.

To find out more about each of our Governors, click their name to read about their background and roles:

Mrs Amanda Woodfin


Mr Ben Clacy

Mr Ben Clacy was appointed as a Co-opted Governor on 01 February 2024 and his term of office ends on 13 July 2024. Ben is the governor with responsibility for finance and is a member of the Resources and Pay committees.

Ben has no interests to declare.

Buki Ogunleye

Ms Buki Ogunleye was appointed Co-opted Governor on 01 February 2024 and her term of office will end on 31 January 2028. Buki is a member of the T&L committee and is Vice-Chair of the governing body. Buki has 2 children at Bulmershe.

Buki currently works as a Senior Cloud Solution Architect Manager at Microsoft, she has 24 years in the Tech industry and has worked for several tech companies prior to Microsoft. Buki has a passion for promoting the under-represented in tech and has been an advocate for women in tech, girls in STEM and recently taking the lead to drive D&I for her business unit. Buki is also a mentor to many women starting up in Tech.

Buki has no interests to declare.

Catherine Grist

Mrs Catherine Grist was appointed as a Co-opted Governor on 01 February 2024 and her term of office will end on 31 January 2028.

Catherine has 2 daughters, one at Bulmershe and one still in primary school. Catherine has worked for the NHS, in and around Berkshire, for over 25 years working with both Adults and Children’s service.  Catherine has been a GirlGuiding leader in the Woodley area for 15 years and volunteers for a local Children Charity in Wokingham.

Catherine has no interests to declare

Mr Colin Maree

Mr Colin Maree is a Co-opted Governor and the Chair of the Governing Body. His term of office runs from 01 February 2024 until 31 January 20028. Colin is a member of the Resources and Pay committee with responsibility for Premises and Health & Safety.

Colin is the Finance Director of a marketing agency in Ascot. He has been a member of the Governing Body since November 2018. He has a daughter at Bulmershe, and two children in primary school.

Colin has no interests to declare.

Dr Jenny Murray

Dr Murray was elected as a co-opted governor on 01 February 2024. Her term of office will end on 31 January 2028. Jenny is a member of the T&L committee and is also the governor with responsibility for access and inclusion (SEND.)             

Jenny has no interests to declare.   

Kiran Nandra

Kiran Nandra is an elected parent governor. Her term of office started on 01 February 2024 and will end on 08 January 2027. 

Kiran is a former Bulmershe student (Class of 1991). She has three children, two child at Bulmershe and one in primary school. 

Kiran spent two terms (eight years) as a Parent Governor at Ambleside Pre-School in Woodley, serving on the Finance & Staffing and Curriculum and Inclusion Committees, as well as taking on roles of Vie Chair and Safeguarding Lead.

Kiran is a Producer at the BBC. She has worked in radio, television and digital media production for more than 20 years. As an advocate for Diversity and Inclusion at the BBC, Kiran is a reverse mentor for senior leaders and an Interview Champion promoting cross-departmental fair recruitment. She also serves on the Board of Trustees for the UK's Radio Academy. 

Kiran Nandra has no interests to declare

Dr Kleio Akrivou

Dr Kleio Akrivou was elected as a parent governor on 21 October 2016. She was co-opted on to the governing body on 21 October 2020 and her term of office will end on 20 October 2024. She is the chair of the teaching & learning committee.

Kleio is Professor of Business Ethics and Moral Development at the Henley Business School in the University of Reading. She has earned a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree with a cross-disciplinary focus on Moral Psychology /Human Development at Case Western Reserve University (USA). Previous to her PhD she completed bachelors and Masters of Science degrees with a focus on Administration and International Commerce in different EU universities.  Kleio’s research is centred on moral psychology and business ethics in line with humanistic and neo-Aristotelian ethical philosophies. Kleio has been serving in different academic editorial boards and she is reviewer for main scholarly journals. In the University she is teaching around Business Ethics, Corporate Responsibility and Methods courses. Previous to her academic career, Kleio had a decade long career as Senior consultant in the areas of psychological assessment of human motivation for personal and leader development using projective testing, and other psychometrics combined with educational frameworks.

Kleio has no interests to declare.

Mrs Monique Maree

Mrs Monique Maree was appointed as a Co-opted Governor on 01 February 2024. Her term of office will end on 31 January 2028. Monique is the safeguarding governor for the school, a field that she has expertise in and is a member of the T&L committee.

Monique has one daughter who attends Bulmershe, and two children who are still in primary school.  Monique has been a qualified social worker for over twenty years, having worked with children and families. Monique has experience of working in local charities and committees and values the opportunity to make a contribution to the school community. 

Monique has no interests to declare.                    

Mr Peter Sharland

Mr Pete Sharland was elected as a staff governor on 2nd October 2023. His term of office will end on 1st October 2027. He is a member of the T&L committee and also the governor with responsibility for academic achievement.   

Pete has worked at the Bulmershe School since 2015 and is the Head of Physics. His main teaching responsibilities are with Key Stage four and five.  He is interested in Data and how it can be analysed and used to monitor and aid the progress of students. Peter helps to promote STEM throughout the School taking students to conferences on Climate Change and lectures in London and at Oxford University.                                                                                                                
Pete has no interests to declare. 

Margaret Shittu

Margaret Shittu was co-opted to the Local Governing body on 15/3/2024 and is a member of the Resources Committee. Her term will end on 14/3/2028.

Margaret is an accountant at the Trade Remedies Authority. She has worked in finance for over fifteen years. Her daughter attends the Bulmershe School. Margaret has no interest to declare.

Abi Oghene

Abi Oghene was co-opted to the Local Governing body on 1/2/2024 and is a member of the Resources Committee. Her term will end on 31/1/2028.
Abi has 2 daughters, both at The Bulmershe School and is an Assurance Analyst with over 15 years' experience within the banking industry.

Abi has no interest to declare.

Former Governors

Mr Shahid Younis was nominated by Wokingham Borough Council as a local authority governor in April 2013. On the reconstitution of the governing body the governing body reappointed him as the local authority governor. His term of office ended on 18 September 2022.

Mr Rick Lay was elected as a parent governor on 9th November 2020, but resigned his post in September 2022. 

Miss Newman was the Chair of Governors from September 2020 - September 2023, when she resigned from her post.. She served as a co-opted governor since 14 July 2016 as the SEN governor and from July 2018 until September 2020, Vice-Chair and Chair of Teaching and Learning, before taking on the Chair role. 


Served as a Parent Governor from 2022 - 2024.

Peter Miskell

Professor Peter Miskell was elected as a parent governor in October 2015 and co-opted on 01 February 2024. His term of office ended on 11 May 2024.  Peter was a member of the Resources committee.


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Governance Information 22-23 21st Jul 2023 Download